Friday, July 29, 2011

My First Entry

Here my journey begins – in the summer of 2011 – to document my studies and pursuit towards becoming an Interior Designer.  Interior design is something I’ve always appreciated and enjoyed looking at; and although Interior Design has always been an interest of mine, I never thought I’d actually pursue it as a career choice and a passionate endeavor.   However, here I am – and here I go…

In January of this year, I checked out the Interior Design program at my local community college – Tulsa Community College -- only to learn afterwards that the program is highly regarded by many local Designers who have studied with, worked with, and even hired its graduates in the past.  Hearing such positive feedback has only excited and encouraged me more about my decision to follow my heart and pursue my passion for Interior Design.  I expect to have lots to share and document along the way; and I can only hope that my journey will excite and encourage others to do the same!